Write your own erasure poem based on the Declaration of Independence, Write it out, and bring it to class tomorrow. Fri--> Vocab 6 packet due 12/14--> Q2 Indep Rdg Project due
Finish "On Being Brought from Africa to America" WS
Fri--> Vocab Packet due Weds--> Come prepared to explain the aphorism (sentence) on your little strip of paper.
Tues--> Finish the "The Microscope" Fri--> Vocab 6 packet due
Read for fun!!!!
Fri--> Vocab 5 Test Fri--> The Comma Paper is due to Google Classroom with commas labeled with the rule #s. You can do this by highlighting the comma or the section of the sentence and clicking the Comment button and listing the rule #.
Fri--> Vocab Test 5 Fri--> Comma Paper due
Fri--> Comma Paper due Fri--> Vocab 5 Test
Fri--> Comma Paper due Fri--> Vocab 5 Test
Indep Rdg Pgrph-- due by midnight to Turnitin Mon--> Vocab Unit 5 packet due
Finish answering the questions on your own if you didn't finish in class Tomorrow--> Indep Rdg update
Look at this picture. Notice 30 things: these can be questions, details, choices by the artist, connections, etc. Write down your 30 things.
Fri--> Vocab packet due
Independent Reading
by midnight--> Indep Rdg paragraph about Text Structures Fri--> Vocab 4 Test
Independent Reading Fri--> Vocab Test 4 |