Thursday--> Indep Reading due to Turnitin.com by midnight Friday--> Finish the Crucible Gossip Column
Finish the Salem Gossip Assignment HOMEWORK
Finish reading Act I. Take quick notes (5-10 words) every other page to help you remember what's happening.
Independent Reading
Friday--> Read through page 36 of The Crucible Friday--> Vocab Unit 2 test
due Friday--> Read through the Mr. Hale description on page 36 Independent Reading check tomorrow Friday--> Vocab Test
Weds--> Finish reading pgs 8-15 -- what do you know? Thurs--> Indep Rdg update Friday--> Vocab Test
Read this list of Puritan Values & Beliefs and follow the directions. If I didn't give you a paper in class, make a copy and do it on Kami or Google Docs.
Monday--> Vocab Unit 2 packet due Independent Reading
Independent Reading
Thursday--> Bring indep rdg book and be prepared to write an update!
due Tomorrow-- Read the article about the Wampanoag perspective of Thanksgiving Thursday--> Indep Reading update Monday--> Vocab packet 2 due
Read and annotate Ch. 9 of "Of Plymouth Plantation"-- annotate the main events-- what were the main things that happened?
Independent Reading! Next update is Thursday
DUE AT MIDNIGHT: Finish your IR paragraph and submit it to Turnitin.com Friday--> Vocab Test Friday--> Finish analysis of Mayflower Compact
Thursday--> bring your Independent Reading book Friday--> If you didn't finish the Mayflower Compact WS, bring it completed Friday Friday--> Vocab Unit 1 Test
Shelter in place drill during PERIOD 1!
Continue thinking about the journal topics from today. Add to them!
Tuesday--Vocab packet due Friday-- Vocab Test |