Please read Ch. 6-8 (63-104) over Spring Break! Audiobook linked on the right.
Read Ch. 4-5 by tomorrow (26 pages)
Q4 IR Book--> Choices Analysis Read Ch. 4-5 by Friday (26 pages) THEY TALKED ME INTO TAKING THEM TO THE SCHOLAR QUIZ.
1984 Book 1 Essay prompt-- please follow the directions. Do one side. We will do the other side together.
Book Bento Project due to Padlet Sunday night by 11:59pm →Go to File> Share> Publish to the Web and then copy the link. It will ask you if you are sure. Paste the link on the Padlet. Please put your name as the subject. Presentations Monday Conclusion packet/vocab due Monday
IR Bento Box Project due Sunday at 11:59pm--> presentations Monday Conclusion Packet/Vocab section 4.7 due Monday Tomorrow--> we will go over the 1984 Close-reading and Setting pages
Indep Rdg Project work-- project due Friday
Read Ch. 1-3 by Wednesday IR Project due Friday
Read Ch. 1-3 by Wednesday (there will be reading time in class on Tuesday) IR Project due Friday Counseling Center for 11th Grade Scheduling
"Wife of Bath's Tale"-- Animated video HOMEWORK Work on Q3 Book Bento Project, due March 22
Answer one question from the WoB's Tale Analytical Question using paraphrased evidence.
Read and take notes (you do not need to write full answers) to these questions: Wife of Bath Analytical Questions
Read Ch. 1-3 by Wednesday Q3 IR Project due Friday
HOMEWORK "The Wife of Bath's Tale" audiobook (28 min) Please work on your essay.
Q3 IR BOOK PROJECT We will be doing a Book Bento project for this book. You can find examples on Instagram @bookbento or #bookbento, but yours will come with an explanation of all of the pieces. I haven't decided if they will be written or oral reports.
►My fake conclusion example (I don't believe this, but...) 3. Work on your essay. Come to class tomorrow with a complete rough draft HOMEWORK I will be absent Friday. You have the period and weekend to work on your essay. Bring in a paper copy final draft on Tuesday. Conclusion PACKET--> The chapter segment is to help you write your conclusion. The Vocabulary pages, section 4.7, is due next Friday
IR Paragraph on colors used in your book due by midnight to Google Classroom Continue essay work-- ►Writing analysis that explains how your evidence proves the topic sentence and thesis ►Write a first draft of your introduction
Watch one (or both) introduction videos and start your first draft of your introduction!
Decide which pieces of evidence work together. Write draft topic sentences, underlining the words from the prompt that are in the topic sentences. |