Gratitude Project due Friday by midnight to Google Classroom
Gratitude One-Pager photo due Friday by midnight to Google Classroom Thursday we will find 3 more pieces of evidence and organize them into paragraphs
Gratitude Journal One-Pager due Friday to Google Classroom --submit a photo of it in your room on Google Classroom
Gratitude Journal One-Pager due Friday Synonyms for Said/Introducing a Quote Activity
Independent Reading
The Full & Final Thesis Section 3.2 Con/Pro lists on a Wife of Bath thesis
Ch. 3.1 The Full & Final Thesis due Wife of Bath Thesis Statements due Thursday
Valentine's Cards for your classmates? Bob Marley Door decorating-- bring at least one image or lyrics quote (more than a title) on Thursday
Indep Rdg
Monday: Finish the Opinion to Thesis packet
Opinion to Thesis packet due Monday (Chapter is linked in Quick Links)
Finish character motivations paragraph LAoW Ch. 2 Packet due Friday
The Lively Art of Writing Ch. 2 Opinion to Thesis & WB packet
TEST CORRECTIONS-- on a separate piece of paper, correct your "General Prologue" answers to the questions you missed to bring your grade to an 80%. Write in complete sentences, practice MLA standards, and include specific details from the text. YOU WILL STAPLE THE ORIGINAL TEST TO THE CORRECTIONS. **I will also collect the quizzes from people who don't do corrections. ~I neglected to collect your What is an Essay packets-- I will do so tomorrow
Lively Art Ch. 1 WB due Mon XC Prologue Memorization due Tuesday |